Example Agricultural Extension Agent Job Description

Our Agricultural Extension Agent job description includes the responsibilities, duties, skills, education, qualifications, and experience.

About the Agricultural Extension Agent role

An Agricultural Extension Agent provides educational resources and support to farmers and other rural communities to help improve their agricultural practices and increase productivity.

Role Purpose

The purpose of an agricultural extension agent is to provide advice, instruction, and resources to farmers and those involved in the agricultural industry. They are responsible for advising farmers on best practices for managing their land, crops, and livestock, as well as providing support in areas such as marketing, finance, and pest and disease control. Extension agents also work with state and local agencies to develop educational programs and to promote research and development of new agricultural products and technologies.

Agricultural Extension Agent Summary

An Agricultural Extension Agent is a professional who provides educational services to farmers and rural communities in order to improve agricultural production. They work to provide farmers with the latest information on farming techniques, soil and water management, pest control, food safety and other topics related to farming. They may also provide farmers with access to resources such as grants and loans, develop marketing strategies for agricultural products, and provide educational outreach and training to rural communities.

Agricultural Extension Agent Duties

  • Provide educational and technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural producers
  • Develop and implement programs to help agricultural producers improve the quality, quantity, and profitability of their production
  • Conduct research to identify and evaluate agricultural production problems and opportunities
  • Educate farmers and ranchers on best practices and new technologies
  • Assist producers in the development and implementation of business plans, marketing plans, and other agricultural activities
  • Provide information to producers about government programs and other resources
  • Work with local government and other organizations to coordinate activities, programs, and resources
  • Maintain records of activities and services provided

Agricultural Extension Agent Skills

  • Communication skills
  • Knowledge of agricultural principles
  • Organizational abilities
  • Ability to work independently

Agricultural Extension Agent Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree in agriculture, agribusiness, or a related field
  • Knowledge of current agricultural practices and trends
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong organizational, problem solving, and decision making skills

Personal Traits

  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Keen interest in agriculture
  • Patience and the ability to motivate people

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